Military and Religious orders

Location: Occidental Europe

Political Characteristics: The "Master" was the high authority of the order; he has power in military aspects such as political as religious ones. He is chosen by thirteen friars.

Economic characteristics:
  • The military orders depend on the taxes that people gives to invert it in things for the battles.
  • They used the defeated town in sources for themselves.
Social Characteristics:
  • It was proud to be part of one religious order.
  • There were many different orders but they fight for the same purpose.
Cultural characteristics:
  • This order has military and religious knowledge.
  • They supposed to have a life without luxuries to demonstrate their faith.
  • Their goal is to defend and propagated the Catholic faith.
Important characters:
  • Master
  • Friars
  • Monks
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Sources used to write the post:
Military and Religious orders in consulted in the 15th of June 2011.

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